Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Dance Of The Adhesive Lumacats

I sent it off this morning.
They say they'll be publishing it in February.



  1. Congratulations!

    Feel strangely fascinated about these adhesive lumacats of which you write. For some reason, I get a mental image of a refrigerator...

  2. There now - that wasn't so bad. Here comes the YB with a cold compress....

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Yay! you're the gurl, and also the resident expert in smelly parts it seems, I am still trying to perfect eggs and bacon jizz.

  4. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Seriously FN, I read that post out loud to my husband when he got home and peed myself, just a little, but enough to send me runnning off to the shower with a pair of shears in my hands.

    Congratulations and thanks for such a good hearty belly laugh.

  5. Congratualtions! I wore dirty underwear today, in homage. You're welcome!

  6. Anonymous3:24 AM

    Hee! Congratulations, and totally deserved! It's a terrific article.

  7. YAY!! How exciting!!!

    Also, i could not stop saying to word 'cooterpie' yesterday.

  8. Tam: i did a post on adhesive lumacats some months back; you see, i have the mysterious ability to predict the pet trends of the future and, yeah.. maybe it's time for an update?
    ara: no, thats a riot baton. no,
    knudie: i double dog dare you to run a couple of servings of steamed asparagus with a caramelized onion glase through your hosepipe. I mean eat it first, of course. not the other way. see, i've read your blog.
    megan: that really dirty post i just did on 'poontang'? is getting published in a local gay newspaper! for real!
    kindness: i'm backreadingyou and i'm just blown away that you're here at all. thank you!
    danator: *snif* i'm so touched...thank you. note that i am not mentioning that i already knew that when the wind changed direction and started coming from the northeast again last night. ahem.
    alala: thank you! we'll see what happens. ive got that 'dont count your chickens before they publish' feeling.
    claire: that probably put everyone at work in a holiday mood, though.
    exchange the word 'cooterpie' for the title phrase in the song 'Silver Bells' and see if I'm not right. Hey, Bing won't mind.

  9. Anonymous10:40 AM

    How marvellous is that , cant wait for the feedback , you are gonna be so proud when you see it in print , and we'all are proud of you to :-)

  10. Go FN Go FN, it's yer birthday...
    Yay you!

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Bwahahaha! You are NOT going to remembered for your brown gravy recipe.

  12. Anonymous3:49 PM

    For an article with more words for fanny than I ever knew it is well deserved.

  13. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Dear Ms. Nations,

    Our editors have found your article contains language not suitable for the family environment we strive to maintain here at "coochie-licking magazine".

    Please accept our regrets in this matter. We wish you the best of luck in your writing.

  14. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Well done FN!!! I'm dead proud of you!!!

    Now get writing the next one.

    *In Geordie, the word dead replaces the word "very". That I automatically typed a dialect that I don't even use from a place I moved out of 15 years ago should prove how proud of you I am!

  15. well done you!

  16. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Ha! can't wait till it comes out in Feb. How do we get a copy?

    Well done

  17. *raises festive glass of lethal East European brandy in celebration*

    Well done!

  18. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hey if that isn't a nice Holiday gift, then I don't know what is. Congratulations and good luck on your new path.
