Remember this?
Well, not no more it ain't....
And the carnage continues. Behold what's left of the front yard!
That's all that's left of a ceanothus ('Victoria Blue', a gorgeous cultivar) that went spazmoid this spring and shot up almost to the roof peak...then promptly windburnt and went to hell. I got five years out of it; what the hey. The rest is buddelia 'Black Knight' (and you know damn good and well why I chose that one, don't you kiddies? Besided the fact it's beautiful, I mean.)that beat up the side of the house every time the wind blew, and rosa rugosa 'Frau somethingorother' that decided to come up all over Hells' half acre without permission. Die! Die! Die!
Here's the front bed...tit high in poppy starts and dandelions.
I yarded out most of the big comes the digging and cursing portion of our show. The end of my nose is sunburnt, my forearms are bleeding and my shoes are full of grass. Yes, I've been a busy little muk.
Just like certain Yummy Bikers HAVE NOT.
Unless you count stacking the garage slap full of crap and slinging shit all over the floor 'busy'. We are not amused.
Rake? Of course I'll rake.
If it doesn't rain.