Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fuckin' A Argentina would you SHUT UP aw shit I hate it when you cry DAMMIT STOP

Having washed the last of the scary Ritalin badness out of my system I find myself once again at the point where this entire exercise in medication began...and it's ABSOLUTELY GREAT TO BE BACK.

I'll miss the focus.  Not that I leapt from my previous state in cape and tights or anything...  No, I used all that expensive focus (try 90.00 a scrip) for remembering why I entered any given room.  Recalling what I said five minutes previously.  Doing simple grocery store mathematics.  Seriously.  Well over 500.00 worth of ADHD medications took me a few baby steps into the reality the rest of humanity inhabits, where I looked around in bemusement for a few moments until liquefied brain matter began to run out my ears.  Figuratively.

I've learned some very interesting, heavy, paradigm-shifting things about 'present time' and 'narrative' and 'experience of continuity'; as well as gaining insight into how incredibly malleable perception is. 

I'm done as fuck with it, too.  Gimme a beer.

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