Monday, May 29, 2006

one tired hippobottomous (but tanned nicely!)

My darlings, I have just returned from vacation, and I am pooped and tuckered out, like. The Yummy Biker neglected to book us separate beds so I have spent the last two nights lying awake next to a comatose, sleeping man who yet manages to sleep all over the whole bed, gurgle, snort, snore, gag, flap, ask me to cosign checks, yell incoherently, wander around, curse in the bathroom, hold entire rational conversations which he does not remember the next day......yeah. like that. So y'all just be patient and tomorrow I will recount for your reading pleasure the adventures of Muk in the Hindermost Hinterlands!
Right now, night night.


  1. sleep tight! im back to work tomorrow after weeks holiday.

  2. Now if it were John Cleese who was sleeping all over the whole bed, gurgling, snorting, snoring, gagging, flapping, asking you to cosign checks, yelling incoherently, wandering around, cursing in the bathroom, and holding entire rational conversations which he does not remember the next day.... what would you do? What WOULD you do?

  3. frobi:i feel yo pain, ratty
    doug: thanks! send that email!
    mj: swallow.
