Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Crazed Jiro Attacks Komyoji

Taking the easy way out today at rancho FirstNations with a meme I stole from...hell, I forget. But if you recognize your meme, I'll be glad to credit you; just leave a comment saying ' Hey, that's my meme, you dirty stealer woman!'
I gardened my heinie off yesterday -not just pretty words; my caboose is no longer the jiggly junk it was a while back!-anyway I am tired. Well, that and they hayed off the fields on either side of me while all that was going on and now I am producing snottal resources at a truly alarming rate. Fortunately it's going to rain again, so, yeah. Heres yer stinkin meme.

I am highly allergic to certain grass and tree pollens. Always a helpful trait for a gardener to posess.

I want a new nose.

I wish someone would give me a new nose. I am accepting nose donations at the address below. But it has to be a nice nose, not one of those big purple turd noses.

I hate my nose.

I love my yummy biker. He is allergic too and keeping me company in my misery.

I miss what I aim for a lot less frequently since I developed allergies because I get a lot of target practice hucking snotty tissues at the wastepaper basket. Score!

I fear , at least in my dreams, being stuck in a situation where I have to use an indescribably horrible public restroom. And given my imagination I have dreamed up some doozies.

I hear there are several 'stand up to pee' aids for women on the market. These have not made it into my dreams yet.

I wonder...drawing a blank on this one. Need coffee. Will return. Ok. Nope, still drawing a blank on this one.

I regret not having handled certain situations in my youth more aggressively. There are certain somebodies out there who really should have had their tires cut and their coffee dosed with nasal spray. And their heads set on fire and their fields sown with salt. Repeatedly.

I am not in bad shape for a woman my age. Not at all.

I dance a lot, mainly with my grandson, although sometimes for the amusement and edification of passing milk truck drivers. Usually I am wearing clothes. I love to dance! You get some good old Motown kicking and I MUST SHAKE MY ASS!!!!!!!

I sing nonsense songs to my dogs to the tune of old Don Ho hits. I am in the habit of making up spur of the moment nonsense songs about whatever...'Iron Man' by Black Sabbath and "Down in the Meadow in the Iddy Biddy Poo' are favorite melodies to desecrate.

I cry a lot less than I used to.

I am not .....drawing another blank. Ok. I am not as shy as I used to be. Now I just get bored easily. I'd rather fake interest than fake being comfortable anyway.

I make with my hands all kinds of things. I think most people do, unless they're like that one blonde lady in 'Freaks' who has no arms and drinks beer with her feet. That was a big honkin glass of beer, too. I was impressed.

I write a lot. Always have.

I confuse other people a lot. Always have.

I should grab myself some breakfast.

I start my lawnmower using starting fluid. Starting fluid is made of ether. The possibilities strive to make themselves realities, but I fight it. I fight it. Although I own a lighter. Yes, I do.

I finish my gardening work with a great feeling of personal satisfaction.
And apparently I am finished with this too. O tay!


  1. whee first comment!

    Ooh, i like this meme. It's totally self-absorbed. Tag me tag me puh-lEEEse?!?!?

  2. CB: TAG! YO IT! aren't most memes about me me? they seem to be. whee~! gotta pee! you' i'll see!

  3. Woa. FN, slow down... Jesus, what was in that coffee?
    How's you? My life's getting oddly good. Not sure how much longer I can keep it up.
    *in Eddie Murphy as Donkey voice* Tag me! Tag me! I'll only do it anyway.

  4. FN I am having the wosrt few blogging days ever...if this comment works it will be a friggin here goes , about to 'hit the tit' as mysoginists would have it

  5. HURRAH it worked
    *****does little dance***

  6. I wonder...maybe you wonder what you wonder about?

  7. I'm back too! blogger is a complete pile of shit. Ah . . .

    *should have read the post*

    go for a drive in an air-conditioned car for a few hours, should help relieve your allergies. I recently had to give up red wine as it aggravated my sinuses. I seem to be getting more allergies as I get older rather than growing out of any. I sure Im developing a allergy to the 21st century - prob. end up living in a bubble.

  8. noshit: tag! Y'ALLS IT! good for you and your life! now if you'll pardon me i'm goind to have some more *ahem* columbian blend*ahem*.
    beast: just don't hit an attack tit. they hit back. nice dance, btw1
    hendrix: pretty much. actually thats good. i didn't think of that-duh.
    frobi:hell yeah. i thought you were supposed to grow out of this shit! lord knows ive grown out of all my pants...maybe whats needed is more saturated fats, hm?

  9. Post a photo of your nose and have your public decide if it needs replacing.

    I've been planning a posting on the 'stand up to pee' topic so stay tuned in near future.

    Keep writing! We're eating it up.

    *ass-shakes out of the room to Marvin Gaye's "Hitchhike."*

  10. Hey just checking in....

    I am so stealing that meme! I likey....probably will take me this time next month before I actually do it...and babe, I will credit ya!

  11. The beer-drinking gal in Freaks . . . Frances O'Connor from Minnesota. She truly was an 'armless drunk.

  12. mj: i have a typical little NA button deadly. looks can be deceiving.*snoooooork*
    xtc: Tag! i been reading your blog, btw, and you , my dear, have a potty mouth. put 'er there, chickie! yeah!
    zman: remember schlitzie? thats my favorite scene in the whole movie. pure sweetness.
